The all-purpose homebrew app known as PSP Tool just hit version 0.9. Raing3 has fixed up a few things, namely ridding bugs and adding sanity checks to ensure a smooth operation; as well, PSP Tool now uses the latest VLF library from moonlight. That and more detailed below.

The all-purpose homebrew app known as PSP Tool just hit version 0.9. Raing3 has fixed up a few things, namely ridding bugs and adding sanity checks to ensure a smooth operation; as well, PSP Tool now uses the latest VLF library from moonlight. That and more detailed below.
PSP Tool v0.9 changes…
Added: Support for 2.71 SE and 1.50 running under Time Machine and check to disable running on 3.71.
Fixed: RSOD when choosing ‘Test M33’ feature on a DC7 MMS created with this application (only occurred on Fat).
Fixed: Issue using SQUARE as part of the boot key when creating a Magic Memory Stick.
Fixed: Issue which could arise when creating more than one Magic Memory Stick in a single session.
Other: Other Memory Sticks can now be formatted by first clicking on the format item in the menu and before answering yes to the questions insert the second Memory Stick.
Other: To reduce the risk of a BSOD when installing or running a firmware from a Magic Memory Stick the registry of a 1.50 system is now copied instead of the registry of the current system (to use the current systems registry files hold the L trigger while the Magic Memory Stick is being created.)
Other: Implemented a check for modules which are known to cause issues with PSP Tool. If any of these modules are found a message is first shown with the modules which need to be disabled and then the PSP performs a reboot. To disable this check hold the R trigger while loading the game.
Updated: Now uses VLF library 1.0 by moonlight.
Updated: Updated the information shown in the System Information panels.
PSP Tool v0.9