Tuesday, October 14, 2008

TA-088v3 Identifier — Can you hack that PSP?

Dark_AleX has released a simple tool to determine whether or not you’re a sucker with a [new] non-hackable hand-held. Copy each firmware EBOOT, both 3.90 and 4.05, to the root of your memory stick. Launch the TA-088v3 Identifier (GETIPL) from a homebrew-enabled PSP and it will extract and create the IPLs; if you’re good to go, the app should auto-exit in 10 seconds. This leaves you with an “ipl390.bin” and “ipl405.bin” file in the memory stick’s root.

Next, do this –

* Connect the PSP via USB and format a memory stick with the included “mspformat” tool.
* Use the included “msinst” to install the 3.90 IPL onto the freshly formatted memory stick.
* Insert the memory stick with the 3.90 IPL into the PSP to be TA-088v3 tested; turn it on with a Pandora Battery. Two (2) possible results:
1. PSP immediately turns off — your PSP is NOT equipped with a TA-088v3 motherboard.
2. PSP stays on with the green light — your PSP is a TA-088v3, or perhaps you’ve done something wrong. Continue…
* Connect the PSP via USB again, and repeat the above steps with the 4.05 IPL. Again, two (2) possible results:
1. If the PSP turns off immediately with this IPL and it previously remained on with the green light — this indicates a TA-088v3 board.
2. PSP and the green light remain on — you’ve likely done something wrong. Try again.

Whatever the indicator — the TA-088v3 ain’t hacked yet.

TA-088v3 Identifier
PSP 3.90 FW EBOOT (rename to 390.PBP)
PSP 4.05 FW EBOOT (rename to 405.PBP)

- source: dark-alex.org
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