Thursday, November 20, 2008

About new D@tel Battery

You might have seen a new Battery that has come into the market, as always with a price and with a good advertising program...

Well, this post is just to answer some mails that i've recieved.

1. To have a LED indicator ON, doesn't means that you can install cfw or hack anything. Remember 088v3 mobos? Right.
2. It's spreading like a timebomb that it can be hacked and so on. Well, what any user can see is an interesting campaign to promote an article that is not yet released. It would be interesting to see.. how about an old "hello world" like on Noobz time, instead of a "buy today" call?
3. Just to remember all this things up, LED indicator ON and nothing on screen means directly what Dark_AleX explained here about the preIPL.

Would be an interesting step, indeed, in case that the protection on 3k would be sort of a signal encryption or a change of protocol instead of just a change of the battery pin communication system; so, until more proofs come into play, i would not definetly go in a rush to buy it xD.

Source: Alek's Blog
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